Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Insert the plastic ends of the pedals onto the
crank, then attach the wood blocks between them.

Attach the metal mounts to the frame with the hose clamps. Keep the ends and screws pointing down and away from feet and humans and far as possible.

Slide crank through mounts, longer one through the left mount and the shorter through the right mount from the outside and inserted into hole on the end of the longer crank.

Deraillieur and Gear Sprocket

Before attaching the derailleur, file down the protrusion where it bolts to the bracket so that if fits flush.
Slide collar, then sprockets onto wheel axle and bolt to brackets.

I had to change to a longer bolt for the derailleur to go all the way through the bracket.
(There are two pictures because this is a stupid editor/composer)

Rear Wheel

The right rear wheel and axle didn't seem wide enough fit against bracket and frame. Upon looking at the other wheels, I found that one had a longer axle. Note: put the wheel with the extended axle on the right rear, the non-gear sprocket wheel.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wheel Tower Adjustment

After assembling the wheel tower, I find that the reducer bushing is too long and sticks out of the bottom 1/4 of an inch. This doesn't leave room for the threaded spacer to go between the tower and the spindle when assembled. I changed to a plug and it was the same problem. I drilled a hole in the center of the plug and sawed off 1/4 of an inch to make it fit in snugly. In the last photo you can see the fit with the spindle attached. The photo is right side up, I just found it easier to work on the tower with the Dream cycle on its side.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Thanks, Dan, for the hint in the plans. Walmart has boat seats! And the cheapest for the same stuff. $15 a piece plus shipping. We'll probably put some Hawaiian pattern car seat covers on them. The grandkids loved them as booster seats in the car.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wheels on the ground

Time to hook up the chain drive, the brakes, the steering, the wheels....I've been busy but haven't blogged. I'll catch up. Meanwhile, here is Mariah in the Dreamcycle with no seats and nothing functional except the wheels. More later.