Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bicycle shop tuneup

I chickened out of pedaling to a reccomended bicycle shop 3.5 miles away. It could break down, it's along busy roads and I don't know yet if I can pedal it 3.5 miles. A neighbor that passed by my garage while I was working on it offered to use her pickup truck to take it to the shop. After coordinating schedules, the bike has been in the shop and professionally tuned! They had to replace the gear cable, saying it was the wrong kind, and replace something in the brake spring. Instead of itemizing parts and labor, they just made it $50.00. Neighbor Dorothy and I rode it around the parking lot for a test. Looking good. Will test it more this weekend. Thanks, Dorothy! Thanks Twins Bike Shop! (1842 Pacific Coast Highway, Lomita, CA 90717 310-257-1350)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Repair broken seat support

Note: Do not use computer furniture particle board for seat supports! I broke one while pedaling around. I bought some hardwood board (maple) to replace the two supports. Next note: drill sufficient pilot holes or you will strip the screw before the screw will turn in the hard wood.

Cut wood to size. Drill pilot holes. Screw into seat crossbars at a distance apart to match the seat bottom attached boards. Cut industrial strength velcro to size. Peel and stick. Attache seat!

Secure outside wheel support

Since the outside support is not glued into the PVC, it came loose as the bike was used. I didn't glue it because you need to be able to remove the wheel in case of flats or wheel changing. So I secured it with a screw that can be unscrewed to remove the wheel.