Saturday, April 14, 2012

Power to the Cycle!

I can't believe it's been so long! It's been hectic, busy, and ridiculously busy. I have been using the Dreamcycle for errands around the neighborhood. Pedaling seemed easier after HIIT classes for some strange reason. (High Intensity Interval Training) I added a bugle horn and strapped a rearview mirror on the driver post. Now back to serious shopping for an electrical assist. I'm going to keep it Federally street legal - cannot exceed 750 watts and 20 mph. If it includes disk brakes, that would be a big plus. I'm not real confident coming down a hill, pressing hard on my flimsy lever brakes and stopping the heavy Dreamcycle. The prices range from $400 to $3500! There's quite a lot to look at in terms of brands and features. My short list:

Magic Pie
Pegasus Power Systems
Ridekick (actually a little trailer that pushes you)

More studying! Back with details and decisions.